

Mechanical failure analysis of holographic solids under finite shear strain
Title: Mechanical failure analysis of holographic solids under finite shear strain


Speaker: Prof. Li Weijia (Dalian University of Technology)


Time: 15:00 on Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2023


Location: Online(Tencent Conference number: 290-559-786)


Abstract: In recent years, the holographic duality (also called AdS/CFT correspondence) has been applied to solid state physics by breaking the translational symmetry of the boundary systems. In this talk, I will first introduce a homogeneous solid model, holographic axion model, whose dual boundary system has a non-zero elastic shear modulus and acoustic phonons. Then, I will show the result from the analysis of linear stability under the background configuration with finite shear strains. It is found that, when the strain is beyond some critical value, the system becomes dynamically unstable which is caused by a longitudinal diffusive mode instead of phonons. This broadens our understanding about the mechanical failure of solid systems.

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