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Gravitational wave astronomy

Gravitational wave astronomy

Ground-based gravitational wave detectors have successfully detected dozens of gravitational wave events. Matched filtering is still the standard method for gravitational wave data processing. An accurate and complete gravitational wave theory template is a prerequisite for the success of matched filtering methods. With the joint development of numerical relativity and analytic analysis, the gravitational wave template for binary mergers was established. There are no templates other than binary systems, so all gravitational waves detected so far are binary-merged systems. The existing gravitational wave templates are limited to binary systems with circular orbits and mass ratios not exceeding 1 to 20. For future space gravitational wave detectors, large mass ratio binary systems and elliptical orbit binary systems are important gravitational wave sources. The finite element numerical relativity (FEMR) computational framework has been developed to deal with the mass ratio problem, and the elliptical orbit gravitational wave model SEOBNRE has been followed and developed by two numerical relativity teams, EinsteinToolkit and SpEC. Their SEOBNRE was not only well received by the director of the Max Planck Institute of Gravitation in Germany, but also used by LIGO data analysts and gave positive analysis results.

Bin Hu's group studies the detection and data analysis of primordial gravitational waves, and the theory and data analysis of gravitational waves of astronomical origin.





E-mail: 202131140010@mail.bnu.edu.cn Web: http://gravityen.bnu.edu.cn/ Beijing ICP 123456878-1
Address: No.19, Xinjiekouwai St, Haidian District, Beijing, 100875, P.R.China