

Splitting of quadruply quantized vortices in holographic superfluid of finite temperature

Title: Splitting of quadruply quantized vortices in holographic superfluid of finite temperature


Speaker: Prof. Shanquan Lan (Lingnan Normal University)


Time: 15:00 on Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023


Location: Online(Tencent Conference number: 314-922-284)


Abstract: Holographic duality is an alternative theoretical frame-work to deal with strongly coupled quantum many-body systems which is encoded in a classical gravitational system with one extra dimension. In this talk, I will report a recent work about the vortex dynamics in holographic superfluid. Specifically, the impact of finite temperature on the instability and splitting patterns of quadruply quantized vortices are investigated. Through linear stability analysis, we reveal the occurrence of two consecutive dynamical transitions. At a specific low temperature, the dominant unstable mode transitions from the 2-fold rotational symmetry mode to the 3-fold one, followed by a transition from the 3-fold one to the 4-fold one at a higher temperature. As the temperature is increased, we also observe the 5 and 6-fold rotational symmetry unstable modes get excited successively. Employing the full non-linear numerical simulations, we further demonstrate that these two novel dynamical transitions, along with the temperature-induced instabilities for the 5 and 6-fold rotational symmetry modes, can be identified by examining the resulting distinct splitting patterns, which offers a promising route for the experimental verification in the cold atom gases.

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