

Triumphs and Challenges for Understanding the Universe

Title:Triumphs and Challenges for Understanding the Universe

Speaker :Prof. Bin Wang ​​​​(Yangzhou University​)

Spacetime:10:00-11:30 a.m December 27, 2022 (Tuesday)

Online Report (Tencent Conference ID: 368-509-438)


In this talk I will provide an overview on Einstein’s great achievements in gravitation and its applications to astrophysics and cosmology, and discuss what and how we can go beyond Einstein’s theory of gravity, in order to understand various challenges that the theory has been facing. I will focus mainly on some theoretical and observational open questions, such as the beginning of the Universe, the physics at dark age, the nature of dark energy, the physics at the vicinity of a black hole, and the gravitational wave astrophysics. The understanding of such questions forms the current frontiers of gravitation, astrophysics and cosmology.

About the Speaker :

Dr. Bin Wang, a distinguished professor of Yangzhou University, the Chairman of the international APCosPA organization, one of the five PIs of the International BINGO (Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from Integrated Neutral Gas Observations) project on 21cm cosmology. He has published more than 200 papers in prestigious and high impact journals, including Nature Astronomy, Reports on Progress in Physics, and Physical Review Letters, with more than 12300 citations and the h-index 56. He was selected by Stanford in 2021 as the World’s Top 2% Scientists in the list of "Lifelong Science Impact Ranking (1960-2021)" counting the comprehensive impact performance of his career.

E-mail: 202131140010@mail.bnu.edu.cn Web: http://gravityen.bnu.edu.cn/ Beijing ICP 123456878-1
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